
Our new renovated course layout:

REMINDER: All golfers must:
- Have a receipt
- Keep pace (maintain the 8 minute starting interval).
- Have a bag and a set of clubs
- Repair ball marks and rake sand traps
- Wear non-metal spikes only
- No private carts allowed unless already registered under current owner
- Dress code policy: Men must wear shirts with sleeves, no tank tops. Women may wear sleeveless golf shirts, but no bathing suit tops.
- Kids 8-11 years old may play accompanied by a 21+ year old from the forward tees after 3:30pm on weekends and after 12pm on weekdays. Juniors 12 and over may play unaccompanied.
- No outside food, beverages or coolers
- Rainchecks issued if warranted
- Golf Course Staff authorized to enforce all rules
- No fivesomes, unless authorized by staff